Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I joined Spark people, the online fitness/wellness/nutrition website. It looks promising, but seems like a lot of work. This summer shouldn't be a huge problem for me but the school year will be another beast entirely.

I cleaned up Andy's bathroom, so i feel pretty good about that. Yesterday was kind of a down day; I just felt crappy without knowing why. All at once, I wanted to scream, cry, dance, jump, punch something, anything... I was having pretty major anxiety issues, I guess. I'm very tired now from it. It sticks with me, and I feel guilty for wasting a day on feeling shitty.

Mom's socks are coming along. I wanted to do those before I finished her scarf, so I would know how long to make the scarf.

It's raining outside. I was hoping that the next few days would be nice so that Andy and I could spend them on the river or something nice like that. I long for a picnic at the park or even just in the back yard, something nice and outside, away from what we normally do.

I'm off to try and knit some more.

1 comment:

  1. Spark can be fun, but awfully addicting.. I found that it made me really obsessive about crazy things, like exactly how many almonds I was eating...

    hang in there! You can do eeet!
