Saturday, June 27, 2009

So much time, so little to say....

Well, visiting my mum's last weekend was crappy. I stayed too long, I upset my mother, I intruded (apparently) by cleaning up her house for her.

This weekend isn't shaping up to be much better. I got my last check today, reminding me its been almost 3 years since my dad died. I slept in until 12 because I didn't fall asleep until 6 or so, and basically laid around and read until 3 when Scrubs went off. I went to look for my gauges because I want my top ear holes to stop growing over, but I must have tossed them out. I'm going to try and leave earrings in at all times now, because it's kind of painful to have to re-poke holes in my ears every time I want to wear earrings. I've had these bastards for almost 10 years. Jesus. That's scary to think about. 10 years in August. Lots of milestones are coming up this August. I turn 25, my top earring holes turn 10, it will have been 3 years since my dad dies, my last year of Grad school will start, I will be penniless until I get paid by the university... Goddamn.

Anyway I need to repot a bunch of my plants, and I am currently amping myself to do so. One plant grows about an inch a day, no joke. That fucker keeps on going. I also planted my cantaloupe seeds last night, so we'll see how they do...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

(No Song)

I'm not sure if I am doing better or worse. I have gained a few pounds, but I have been walking... Okay I walked by the river today for 10 minutes and that was it, but hey it's a start. Andy and I got smart and realised that all of our AA batteries were dead when we went to Wii fit today, so they are all now safely charging. Maybe tomorrow morning we will be able to have some fun on it.

I'm trying pretty hard to stay organized and keep my shit in order. I think one of my biggest problems is my lack of direction at any given point in time. I made a small step toward remedying that by planning out dinner for the rest of the week. let's just hope I can start new habits and forget the old ones, i.e. waiting until I'm famished to eat, eating a ton, then feeling disgusting and unmotivated afterward.

I really want to get back on a proper sleep schedule, but I find that is hard to do without the help of pharmaceuticals. I hate drugs, I hate needing them, and I hate even considering taking them. I hate taking aspirin for pete's sake. I'm trying to convince myself that I won't be a drug addict just because I need a little help from some tylenol pm to sleep every once and a while... right?

I'm goign to try and ogranize things a little more. I have a long way to go before I am happy with how the house looks. Godspeed, little Katamari!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

She's Crafty

I just cut up some ancient Rolling Stone mags and made some art! I'm so tired right now though. Guber is coming up in a few hours so I should probably nap, as most night out with him end in someone puking or something large being set on fire. You can't tell me I'm wrong.

I finished one sock; it is SO comfortable! I started on th next, did one rep of the scarf, and then started in on the collage things. OH and I painted some picture frames for my mum yesterday. I've been active in the arts and crafts lately...

Let's go take a nap!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I joined Spark people, the online fitness/wellness/nutrition website. It looks promising, but seems like a lot of work. This summer shouldn't be a huge problem for me but the school year will be another beast entirely.

I cleaned up Andy's bathroom, so i feel pretty good about that. Yesterday was kind of a down day; I just felt crappy without knowing why. All at once, I wanted to scream, cry, dance, jump, punch something, anything... I was having pretty major anxiety issues, I guess. I'm very tired now from it. It sticks with me, and I feel guilty for wasting a day on feeling shitty.

Mom's socks are coming along. I wanted to do those before I finished her scarf, so I would know how long to make the scarf.

It's raining outside. I was hoping that the next few days would be nice so that Andy and I could spend them on the river or something nice like that. I long for a picnic at the park or even just in the back yard, something nice and outside, away from what we normally do.

I'm off to try and knit some more.